
Self Portrait

Self-portrait exploration

Artist Research

Frank Auerbach & Craig Wylie


Greyscale Absract Collage & Cropped Detail

I had a bunch of ideas for this assignment, but I knew that I wanted to make something 3D. I’d seen a picture of a geometric sphere mask made out of paper recently, and I thought it might look really cool with my abstracts as the pieces. I still have lots of paper left over, so I’ll probably make another collage sometime soon from the scraps. I never want to throw out art!

This helmet accidentally inspired a character that I named Mina (after a really good book). I made a whole brainstorming page in my sketchbook for them while I was trying to come up with ideas for photographing the helmet in interesting ways. And believe it or not, those scribbles are actually my handwriting. :p It can get pretty illegible if I let it!

I was trying to figure out the “why” of the helmet- why was I making it? Was there a story to tell here?
So in trying to justify my work, I came up with a character.

The details were more difficult because although I brainstormed on my computer previously, I still wasn’t 100% convinced that I had the best composition possible. Still, I thought it would be better to just try rather than sit in limbo forever debating with myself. The first one I made was a little more like a collage, but I actually like it better than the second one I made, which follows the criteria better. I like how the geometric lines make the image so minimalist and abstract, but I am also in love with circles, so I do like the composition of the paint on the second piece.

Greyscale Absract Work & Detail

I wanted to explore a few options for detail pieces of my abstract grayscale paintings, but I didn’t want to accidentally cut something out that I wasn’t sure I liked. So instead, I took photos of all my paintings and loaded them into Krita, which is basically a mix of Procreate, Illustrator, and Photoshop, and I edited them there. I tried cutting out different shapes and ended up with a few that I really liked, which I saved and are presented here. 🙂

I really like the way some of the circles turned out, but I actually love the entire composition of some of the more angular ones that aren’t separated into individual details. The triangles were an experiment, and I think I’ll leave them as such. :p

