Exquisite Corpse pt.2
My partner was Morgan for this project, and I’ve always thought we had similar compulsions when it came to drawing and painting. Both of us, no matter what we want, end up blending a lot in our pieces, and spending a lot of time adding details. Morgan’s bottom section for this drawing was bold and colourful, while mine was totally grayscale, but I think we both wanted not only to make something cool on our own, but to make sure the pieces fit together as well as possible. We told each other teh colour scheme, materials, and general vague vibes of each others’ pieces before switching to finish. Morgan had used a lot of marker and strong cartoonish lines (from what I could tell), so after drawing the registration marks, I went in with a purple watercolour wash and blocked out where I wanted the figure to be. The concept itself wasn’t difficult to come up with, but I think I’m going to use this drawing to revise later. I’d like to add thick black lines around some sections (or all), and saturate my colours more. I’m not sure how I’ll do that latter part, but hopefully I can find some markers or paint pens or something.