Week 1
top left is seeing, top right is feeling, bottom middle is sensing.

Week 2
Considering anatomy and human form from multiple perspectives. My partner was Carsyn and we tried to do specifically strange and difficult hand positions for each others’ drawings as an added challenge. Some of them came out more accurate than others, but the exercise was fun nonetheless.
Then we had our model for a short time at the end of class as well as a skeleton to draw from and compare. I found I liked drawing with the white chalk pastel on slightly more toned paper. It showed up best on the newsprint but got lost on the thicker white paper.

Week 3
Model studies with mixed media (ink and colour).
I like doing model studies and figure studies in general with a half stick of compressed charcoal. I find it gives me the ability to block in shadows and forms quickly and effectively.
I made some inks myself a few years ago and have been able to use them in this class. (I also lost my India ink, so this works out.) I didn’t really enjoy drawing different positions over each other, I found it didn’t have enough payoff in the final result.